For companies myoact hires a remote team in Ukraine despite the uncertainty and never regrets it! [Company Case] myoact opens an R&D location in Ukraine and hires 2 engineers with UAtalents
Блог українською Як Світлана шукаючи роботу на платформі UAtalents знайшла її саме у команду UAtalents. Дизайнер, яка отримала можливість працювати в команді UAtalents поділилась історією про пошук
For companies Hiring Ukrainians as a Czech Employer Hello, dear employers! UAtalents team together with White&Case company collected
For companies Hiring Ukrainians as a French Employer Hello, dear employers! UAtalents team together with White&Case company collected
For companies Hiring Ukrainians as a Slovak Employer Hello, dear employers! UAtalents team together with White&Case company collected
Пошук роботи Безкоштовне IT навчання анлійською від Masterlab Лише за декiлька мicяцiв ти можеш отримати високооплачувану роботу в Європейському економічному
For companies Hiring Ukrainians as a Polish Employer Hello, dear employers! UAtalents team together with White&Case company collected
For companies Hiring Ukrainians as a Swedish Employer Hello, dear employers! UAtalents team together with White&Case company collected
For companies Hiring Ukrainians as a German Employer Hello, dear employers! UAtalents team together with White&Case company collected